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Northampton elects borough leadership

Northampton Borough Council held its reorganization meeting Jan. 2. Pennsylvania state law requires municipalities reorganize every two years on even years.

The meeting agenda included the election of council president, vice president and council pro-tempore. Various other appointments were made after the new council was seated.

Mayor Anthony Pristash took the gavel and ran the reorganization meeting until the president and vice president were nominated and elected. After the president and vice president were elected, the mayor turned the gavel and meeting over to the newly elected president.

Pristash used his time at the beginning of the meeting to issue a statement to his Northampton constituency. He wished all a successful 2024.

Councilwoman Julia Kutzler was reelected to serve as council president. Councilman Ronald Glassic was also reelected to council vice president. There were no other nominations for either office.

Kutzler then took the gavel and held the nomination and election of council pro-tempore. Councilwoman Judy Haldeman was nominated and elected as council pro-tem. There were no other nominations.

The council pro-tempore, commonly called council pro-tem, is the presiding officer at a council meeting if both the president and vice president are unavailable to attend and there is a meeting quorum. The Latin term pro-tempore means “temporarily” or “for the time being.”

Kutzler and council then made numerous appointments, adopted fee schedules and approved resolutions to set up the borough’s government for the next two years. All appointments, fee schedules and resolutions can be found on the borough’s website - northamptonboro.com - by accessing the borough minutes.

Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst said the borough’s trash hauling company sent duplicate bills to some residents. He told residents to only pay one and visit northamptonboro.com for an explanation of the trash hauler oversight.

Brobst also thanked everyone elected to council and the fire department members present for serving the Northampton community.

The next council meeting will be 7 p.m. Jan. 18 at the municipal office, 1401 Laubach Ave. It is a hybrid meeting, both in person and online on YouTube. Visit northamptonboro.com to learn how to access the meeting virtually.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Northampton Borough leadership gathers for a photo during the reorganization meeting Jan. 2. Pictured are council Vice President Ronald Glassic; Councilman Ron Knopf; Councilman Jason Donahue; Kristen Morey, administrative assistant; Councilman Kenneth Hall, borough Manager LeRoy Brobst, Mason Smolensk, junior councilman; President Julia Kutzler; Councilman Trevor Stone; Mayor Anthony Pristash; and Councilwoman Judy Haldeman.