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Moore supervisors chair retains seat

Moore Township Board of Supervisors held its reorganization meeting Jan. 2. Pennsylvania state law requires municipalities to reorganize every two years on even years.

The meeting agenda included the election of the board of supervisors chair and the vice chair. Kevin Horvath, the township engineer, was elected to be temporary chair to oversee the nomination and election of the chair and vice chair.

Daniel Piorkowski was reelected as the township board of supervisors chairman, and David Shaffer was elected as board vice chairman. Piorkowski thanked his supervisors team for reelecting him to the board’s chairmanship.

The board of supervisors appointed numerous positions, including the township solicitor, engineer and auditor. Various other appointments occurred, such as establishing the IRS mileage rate for 2024, rates for the animal boarding fee, solicitation permit, junkyard permits rate and employee non-contract wages.

A number of township commissions and committees were appointed. The open records officers, zoning officer, deputy officer and emergency management coordinator were also appointed.

To review the reorganization meeting minutes and to review all the positions and their appointees, visit mooretownship.org. You can also contact the township office.

The next board of supervisors meeting will be 6 p.m. Feb. 6 at the township municipal building, 2491 Community Drive.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. Moore Township Board of Supervisors and other leaders gather for a photo at the Jan. 2 reorganization meeting. Pictured are Kevin Horvath, engineer; Craig Hoffman, public works; David Shaffer, supervisors vice chair; Daniel Piorkowski, chair; Jason Harhart, zoning; and Mike Tirrell, supervisor. Not pictured is Dave Backenstoe, solicitor.