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EHS field hockey team scores recognition

The East Penn Board of School Directors paid tribute to the Emmaus High School field hockey team at the start of the Jan. 8 regular meeting before getting down to business for the new year.

The board and administration recognized the team, Coach Sue Butz-Stavin and coaching staff for being named state champions at the end of the 2023 season.

Each received proclamations signed by area state lawmakers as they were called forward.

“Coach Butz-Stavin has been here supporting our high school team for 48 seasons,” School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Campbell said. She listed her impressive stats including 1,067 wins and 15 season championships, as well as state and national recognition during her long career.

“She was recently inducted into the National High School Hall of Fame for the winningist coach in high school field hockey history,” Campbell added.

Of the student athletes she remarked, “You’re deeply committed to your sport and to each other, and really excelling on and off the field.”

In her district update, the superintendent announced January is School Board Appreciation Month in Pennsylvania and expressed gratitude to the nine school directors currently serving the district.

She praised a pair of high school scholar athletes and the charity fundraising activities of the boys and girls basketball teams.

Having attended a recent Boy Scouts Eagle Court of Honor with Principal Beth Guarriello, Campbell described how they were impressed with the five EHS students achieving the top rank of Eagle.

Campbell spoke about a planned East Penn Mental Health Symposium and requested district families go to the district website to fill out a survey about what topics they would like to see covered.

East Penn is still seeking crossing guards for paid positions at Lincoln and Jefferson elementary schools.

The superintendent publicly welcomed Carrie Okken as the district’s recently hired student activities director.

In other personnel matters, the board accepted the retirements of Wescosville Elementary School counselor Daniel Fox and EHS chemistry teacher Brian Harkness, effective June 10. EHS staff assistant Michelle Yesenofski retires Jan. 24.

“We wish our three retirees continued happiness and success in their next ventures,” Campbell said. She noted Fox was with East Penn for 17 years out of 34 in public education, Harkness served 31 years with the district as an educator and Yesenofski worked for East Penn for around 13 years.

The directors acknowledged the resignations of Alburtis Elementary School and EHS psychologist Stephanie Cignarella and Willow Lane Elementary School instructional assistant Nathan Hallman, effective Jan. 5.

Lower Macungie Middle School psychologist Peter Slay resigned Dec. 15, 2023.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Douglas Povilaitis read over and answered questions during a first review of new policies and updates of current policies. These include board meeting policies; handling supplemental discipline records; acceptable use of Internet, computers and network resources and suicide awareness, prevention and response.

Other policies discussed involved “students experiencing homelessness, foster care and other educational instability.”

Director Jeffrey Jankowski remarked students living in trailer parks appeared to be considered homeless, like those living in motels, hotels and camping grounds. He noted people living in these type of communities either own their mobile homes or pay rent.

Povilaitis said the wording is taken from the state school code, but would look into changing the language.

Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit Board member Dr. William Whitney mentioned the unit’s 2024-2025 operating budget passed. He also spoke of meeting the new therapy dog brought in for the early intervention programs.

Lehigh Career & Technical Institute Joint Operating Committee member Adam Smith reported Camp LCTI is tentatively scheduled for June 10-14, as long as the area districts don’t lose those days to weather-related closings. He said 125 students attended the tech school’s first college fair Nov. 8, 2023.

Jankowski was quickly voted in after stepping forward to fill the LCTI JOC seat previously held by departing school board member Paul Champagne. The 3-year term began December 2023 and continues through December 2026.

There were no requests to address the board.

Board President Dr. Joshua Levinson announced an executive session was held before the public forum 6:45 p.m. to discuss “confidential matters and personnel.”

Levinson announced the district will be closed Jan. 15 for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. Jan. 22. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. Livestreaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.

PRESS PHOTO BY ED COURRIER The Emmaus High School field hockey team is recognized for achieving state champion status during its 2023 season at the Jan. 8 school board meeting. At left is Coach Sue Butz-Stavin and Assistant Coach Allison Haas is at right.