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East Allen supervisors reorganize

The East Allen Township Board of Supervisors reorganized Jan. 2. Pennsylvania state law requires municipalities to reorganize every two years on even years.

The meeting agenda included the election of the board of supervisors chair and the vice chair. Township Manager Brent Green was elected to oversee the nomination and election of the board of supervisors chairman and vice chair. Various other appointments were made after the new board was seated.

The board elected Supervisor Roger Unangst as chair of the board. He said he was grateful for the appointment and the support of the board.

“Thank you for your trust,” he said to his colleagues.

Mark Schwartz was duly nominated and elected to the vice chair position.

Other appointments included township Secretary Kate Hall and Treasurer Christine Wentz.

Ron Blaufarb was appointed vacancy board chairperson for a term of one year that expires Dec. 31. Blaufarb, as chair of the vacancy board, serves if there is a vacancy on the board of supervisors. It only convenes when the board fails to appoint a successor within 30 days of the vacancy.

Karen Deichman was appointed to a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2028, on the township zoning hearing board. The zoning hearing board hears zoning appeals, variances and special exceptions relating to the township zoning ordinances.

Norman Daniel and Martin Chamberlain were appointed to the township planning commission for four-year terms expiring Dec. 21, 2027. The planning commission is an advisory board that reviews township’s zoning, land development comprehensive plans, land uses and more. The commission then makes recommendations to the board of supervisors.

The board voted to change the monthly board of supervisors meetings to the second and fourth Thursdays of each month except for November and December.

A complete list of all the township appointments made by the board of supervisors can be found in the minutes of their reorganization meeting.

The next East Allen Township Board of Supervisors meeting is set for 7 p.m. Jan. 11 in the township municipal building, 5344 Nor-Bath Blvd. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit eatwp.org for virtual meeting access numbers.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR. East Allen Board of Supervisors include Donald Heiney, Cris Cruz, Vice Chair Mark Schwartz, Chair Roger Unangst and Georgiann Hunsicker.