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Bath: Petersville Rod and Gun Club plans event

Petersville Rod and Gun Club, 550 Club Road, will be having a meat and seafood block shoot and raffle Jan. 14, starting noon. There will be refreshments available.

For more information or questions, call the club at 610-261-2210 after 4 p.m.


Bill Nolan, of PA Troutfitters guide service, will be speaking at the general meeting of Hokendauqua Trout Unlimited. His topic will be fishing the Lehigh River. A question-and-answer session will follow.

This event is free and open to the public.

The meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Jan. 17 in room 107 at Northampton Area Middle School, 1617 Laubach Ave.


Bath Museum, 121 S. Walnut St., will be open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Jan. 20.

Volunteers are needed. Call 484-284-0313 if interested.


Emmanuel’s Lutheran Church, 3175 Valley View Drive, continues to hold yoga classes in fellowship hall 5:30 p.m. Mondays. It’s a pay-as-you-go event, and all are welcome.

Bring a yoga mat or towel, and wear comfortable clothes.


During the month of January, Emmanuel’s Lutheran Church will help Bath Area Food Bank by collecting personal care items, such as shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc. There is an ongoing need for ramen noodles.

Donations for the food bank can be dropped off in the bins in the fellowship hall or the upstairs gathering area.

Grocery gift cards, preferably Ahart’s, are needed for emergencies. Bring all gift cards in an envelope marked “food bank” to the church office.


My email address is lhahn775@verizon.net if there is any information you would like published in this column. My next column will be in The Press Jan. 25, so I need your information no later than Jan. 19.

A great week to all!