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Houses made of gingerbread are a feast for the eyes

Kalmbach Memorial Park, 200 Cotton St., Macungie, has been hosting the Gingerbread House Display/Contest for 21 years. This year there were 700 visitors during Macungie Holiday Dec. 9, 2023. The judge for this contest was Lisa Caruso who is a project artist and a sculptor. Due to the quality of this year's entrants, there were five honorable mentions awarded. LEFT: The North Pole Toy Company is created by Jade Gomez, of Allentown. It was on display recently at Kalmbach Memorial Park. See additional photos on Page A5. PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZ
PRESS PHOTOS BY SHARON SCHRANTZ Grace Pasterski creates this house which earned second place. It is called “Up.”
Colonial Home in the Forest is by Alison Saeger, of Emmaus.
Nora Busq makes the house called Snowy Wonderland. It was displayed at Kalmbach Park during Macungie Holiday.
Special Delivery is by Landon Smith.
Mike and Denise Brosky are caretakers of Kalmbach Park.