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Salisbury Middle School students wear “ugly sweaters” to school

Ryland Christ wears a design featuring a smiling dinosaur.
Jesse Purses is ready for the holiday season in a sweater emblazoned with a moose.
Audrey Nemitz and Michelle Curcio stand among holiday trees at Salisbury Middle School Dec. 15.
PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Logan Holland models a sweater full of fa-la-la-la-las.
Madeline Moyer brings the Grinch to school Dec. 15.
Everose Figueroa is festively dressed Dec. 15 at Salisbury Middle School.
Brianna Lopez wears a Rudolph sweater to school.
Geishliannys Perez and Audrey Lang match in Santa sweaters Dec. 15.
Wyatt Groeffe nails the holiday sweater theme.