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Northampton thanks longtime council member

At the Dec. 21 Northampton Borough Council meeting, Mayor Anthony Pristash, borough Manager LeRoy Brobst, council and the Northampton Fire Department provided heartfelt accolades to outgoing council member Anthony Lopsonzski Sr.

Pristash read a proclamation honoring Lopsonzski for all he has done for Northampton as a 17-year councilman and former longtime member of the Northampton Police Department. Pristash said he always enjoyed working with Lopsonzski and will miss him.

Pristash proclaimed Dec. 22 as “Anthony Lopsonzski Sr. Day” in Northampton.

Council members acknowledged Lopsonzski’s work and his many stories and words of wisdom throughout his council tenure. Councilwoman Judy Haldeman thanked him for “taking her under his wing” when she was a new council member. Council President Judy Kutzler thanked Lopsonzski and honored him on the last meeting of his tenure on council.

Northampton Fire Department Chief Keith Knoblach publicly honored Lopsonzski. He said he and his team greatly appreciate Lopsonzski’s support of all the emergency services in Northampton for many years. Knoblach presented an official fire department sweatshirt and other gifts in appreciation and admiration.

“We thank you,” Knoblach said.

Brobst spoke to Lopsonzski’s successful tenure and their multi-decade friendship. Both septuagenarians are lifelong Konkrete Kids.

“We go back many years,” Brobst said. “You were never boring. Congratulations, and enjoy your free time. I always found you amusing to listen to. You will be missed.”

Lopsonzski thanked all for their pleasant words.

“This community is my heart,” Lopsonzski said. “My heart pumps black and orange.”

In other business, several residents around East Fifth Street voiced their concerns regarding water running into their basements or onto their properties. They claimed they have voiced these issues before and the borough has yet to address their concerns.

They said they have spent thousands of dollars in efforts to correct the situation. One resident said she lived in her home for 21 years and never had water in her basement until now. She said her backyard was like a swamp. Other residents said areas in their yards are sinking.

One resident said there is no need to apologize or offer sympathy for not assisting the residents so far.

“We want a resolution,” the resident said.

Kutzler said the issues will be addressed via a round-table discussion with the manager and council representatives to hopefully solve this matter.

Council Vice President Ron Glassic said he expected a good meeting with a holiday atmosphere, but instead was dismayed by the residents’ report of their frustrating water issue.

“You have a real-live situation,” Glassic said. “I feel horrible about your situation.”

Glassic went on the say the residents are in his council ward and he will work diligently to get the situation resolved.

Council passed resolution 15-23, giving final approval of the 2024 borough budget. The budget includes a 1-mill fire tax. Council approved fixing the 2024 tax rate at 12.5 mills.

All ordinances and resolutions are available for review by contacting the borough office.

Councilwoman Bonnie Almond thanked the fire department for the recent successful Santa Run.

Councilman Kenneth Hall reminded council the reorganization meeting is planned for 7 p.m. Jan. 2, 2024, in council chambers at the borough municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave.

It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit northamptonboro.com to access the meeting.