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Borough council approves 2024 budget with tax increase

Coplay Borough Council held a special meeting Dec. 18 to discuss the 2024 budget for the third and final time this year. Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer, finance and administration chair, noted there were no changes made to the budget after the initial presentation and approval by council at the November meeting.

For 2024, council recommended a 1.25-mill increase. This breaks down to 1 mill for general tax and 0.25 mill for emergency services, such as the fire department.

A roll-call vote was taken for three separate ordinances. First, the motion was made to accept resolution 1503 adopting the 2024 budget for receipts and expenditures. This motion was unanimously approved.

Second, the motion was made to adopt resolution 1504 establishing garbage rates for 2024, changing the rate to $420 per year for regular households and $360 for senior citizen households, with a 10% discount if paid by March 31, 2024.

Rates for business establishments range from $547 to $6,476 per year with the same 10% discount. Additionally, a 2% commission is given to the tax collector for collection of fees and the borough office to collect outstanding 2023 delinquent garbage fees. This motion also was unanimously approved by council.

Third, under Ordinance 860, the real estate rate for 2024 was to be set at 9.34 mills. After a vote, council approved this ordinance as well.

Under new business, council voted and approved a one-time payout of $14,178 for police officers with unused vacation due to insufficient staffing and inability to take vacations. This amount is subject to change due to any further days taken.

Council will hold a reorganization meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 2, 2024, in the borough hall meeting room, 98 S. Fourth St.