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Allen supervisors consider firefighter incentive program

At its Nov. 28 meeting, Allen Township Board of Supervisors considered a firefighter incentive program.

The township discussed a firefighter incentive program at a previous meeting, and since then, Northampton County has implemented an incentive program of its own.

According to the county ordinance, an individual must be in good standing with his or her organization for at least six months and be either an officer in his or her agency or have participated in three calls per annum. The tax credit will be the amount of the individual’s real estate tax, not to exceed $250.

Volunteerism rates are down statewide; the township hopes the incentive will encourage its current volunteers to stay and possibly help recruit more.

The board considered a real estate credit, similar to the county’s program. Another idea was gas mileage reimbursement for volunteers living outside the township.

Supervisor Gary Behler voiced concerns about some volunteers receiving more money than others based on their property value. Other supervisors agreed and suggested either a flat rate that would apply to everyone or a cap on the incentive.

No decisions were made at the meeting, but township Manager Ilene Eckhart and Solicitor Lincoln Treadwell will begin working on some ideas.

In other business, the board unanimously approved financial security and an extension to Stone Ridge Meadows for the completion of the loop road. The extension will be in effect until Dec. 1, 2024.

The board was expected to meet Dec. 26 at the fire department building, 3530 Howertown Road.

All meetings in 2024 will be held at the municipal building, 4714 Indian Trail Road, due to renovations to the fire department building.