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Luminaria bring a Christmas feel to the streets of Bethlehem and other area communities

Candles in white paper bags, or luminaria, lined many of the Bethlehem starting on starting on Saturday, Dec. 9. New Bethany Ministries tries to set the date at two Saturdays before Christmas.

The annual project got its start 26 years ago.

The festive display is a fundraising project sponsored by New Bethany Ministries, a charitable organization on West Fourth Street in Bethlehem.

“Be the light in your neighbor’s darkest hour,” is the message of the candlelit paper bags.

Bethlehem is one of several Lehigh Valley locations that participate in the annual program. Others include Allentown, Easton, Saucon Valley and Coopersburg.

Block captains coordinate the light display in each neighborhood.

According to Tim Burke, the Development Director for New Bethany Ministries, $110,000 was raised this year.

This yeart’s kits used 80,000 paper bags and 68,000 pounds of sand donated by Lowe’s.

Participants are almost all homeowners. A few organizations like Moravian College, and some churches also participate.

According to their mission statement, “New Bethany offers hope and support to people who experience poverty, hunger, and homelessness. We believe that all people, regardless of circumstances, should be treated with dignity and care without judgment. No one who seeks help is turned away.”

To participate in this program email New Bethany Ministries about being a volunteer block captain.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DOUGLAS GRAVES Luminaria line Main Street on Luminaria Night. Nearly 80,000 luminaria were on display.
0771 A carriage ride on Main Street
0774 A storefront with Christmas decorations on Main Street
A busker plays Christmas carols and other songs on his trombone on Main Street.
Luminaria line the far side of West Broad Street. Send your Luminaria Night photos by Dec. 28 to us at gtaylor@tnonline.com for publication in our Jan. 6 issue.
A couple stops to admire a team of horses paused on Main Street'
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