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Boy Scout Troop 12 leads successful clothing drive


Special to The Press

Boy Scout Troop 12, Minsi Council, recently sponsored a clothing drive.

Pickup of the collected items was Dec. 16 at the Lentz home in South Whitehall.

Clothing, shoes, bikes, scooters, strollers, stuffed animals, car seats and more were accepted by the Scouts.

The Lentz family single car garage was full of donated items.

PRESS PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HIRSCH Troop 12 Boy Scouts J.P. Yakamovige, Alex Lucadamo, Patrick Phares and Isaac Lentz show bags full of donated items for the clothing drive.
The Scouts had help from Drew Lucadamo, Milo Lentz, and Garrett and Tanner Freer loading the truck.