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Hanover prepares for 2024

At the Dec. 6 Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting, council began preparations for the 2024 reorganization meeting, planned for 6:45 p.m. Jan. 8, 2024. The monthly township meeting will follow.

Reorganization of municipal governing bodies is to occur the first Monday in January of each even-numbered year, unless it is a holiday. Since Jan. 1, 2024, is the New Year’s Day holiday, the reorganization meeting will be held Jan. 8, 2024.

Council had agreed to cancel the Jan. 3, 2024, monthly meeting and move it to Jan. 8, 2024. The meeting will occur directly after the reorganization meeting. Council members also canceled the Jan. 17, 2024, meeting.

Councilman Anthony Rossi submitted his resignation from his four-year term. He noted that, despite only petitioning for the open two-year term on the Nov. 7 ballot, he was also placed on the ballot in the four-year term slot.

Voters elected Rossi to both seats, defeating current Councilman Robert Lawler for the four-year seat. Since the four-year seat will now be vacated by Rossi, there is a chance for Lawler to be appointed to fill the vacancy.

Joining Rossi in winning a two-year term seat is current Councilman Michael Wooley, who was reelected by voters.

Council Chairman Bruce Paulus said he was delighted with the success of 2023. Council authorized township Manager Melissa Wehr to pay off the township building loan with PNC Bank in the amount of $473,886.71.

“That makes Hanover (Township, Lehigh County) debt free,” Paulus happily exclaimed.

Under the new business agenda item, council introduced bill 2023-05 to amend Chapter 15 of the statutory code of Hanover Township to change the reference of a number of streets in Hanover Township and amend parking laws in the township.

Council passed resolution 2023-50, which amends the township fee structure. Wehr noted, because of increased costs to maintain the township’s parks and increased costs of inspections, some fees for park rentals and some inspection fees had to be increased.

Council also introduced five new bills - 2023-06, 2023-07, 2023-08, 2023-09 and 2023-10.

These bills addressed language and changed the half-day off for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve to full days off. Presidents Day and Good Friday were added as paid holidays for township staff.

All resolutions and ordinances are available for review by contacting the township office.

Authorization to release payment for the Catasauqua Road Valley Plaza signal project in the amount of $218,217.32 to Telco Inc. was approved by council. Telco Inc. builds traffic signals in Eastern Pennsylvania and is located in Reading. Visit telcotrafficsolutions.com for more Telco information.

Township Engineer Al Kortze reported the Catasauqua Road Valley Plaza signal project is substantially completed. Pedestrian signals are to be installed as soon as possible.

He added the Valley Plaza sanitary sewer project is completed.

The next Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting was expected to be 7 p.m. Dec. 20 in the township’s municipal building, 2202 Grove Road, Allentown.