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Coplay police

Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently.

NOV. 26

Officers responded to suspicious activity on the Ironton Rail Trail.

NOV. 27

A domestic disturbance brought police to the unit block of North Second Street.

Police investigated a noise complaint in the 200 block of South Second Street.

Officers were on the scene of a burglar alarm in the 100 block of South Front Street.

A motor vehicle accident at Fourth and Hokendauqua streets was handled by police.

Police were stopped by a Whitehall-Coplay School District bus driver at Oak and North Ruch streets to report vehicles failing to stop for the flashing red lights.

A silent burglar alarm brought police to the 100 block of South Second Street.

NOV. 29

Police followed up on a concern of a group playing soccer in the unit block of South Fifth Street.

The department followed up on an investigation in the 100 block of South Second Street.

NOV. 30

Officers assisted a citizen whose son refused to go to school in the 1200 block of Chestnut Street.

A building owner in the 100 block of South Second Street reported a homeless person has been sleeping in the building corridor.

DEC. 1

Police arrested a male at Main and East Ninth streets on suspicion of DUI.

A burglar alarm brought police to the unit block of South Second Street.

Officers issued a parking ticket in the unit block of South Fourth Street.

DEC. 2

A hit and run involving a struck mailbox in the 300 block of North Ruch Street was investigated.

Police responded to a report of a wallet found in the 100 block of Chestnut Street.

DEC. 3

A report of juveniles trespassing brought police to the unit block of Strawberry Alley.

Officers investigated an accident at the intersection of Chestnut and Maple streets.

DEC. 4

Police responded to a domestic disturbance in the 200 block of South Second Street.

DEC. 5

A domestic disturbance in the 1100 block of Oak Street was investigated.

Officers responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 200 block of North Second Street.

DEC. 6

A motor vehicle accident brought police to the 900 block of Chestnut Street.

DEC. 7

Police were on the scene of a noise complaint in the 200 block of North Second Street.

DEC. 8

A parking complaint in the unit block of North Second Street was investigated.

DEC. 9

Officers responded to a motor vehicle accident at Second and Coplay streets.

A disturbance involving a male and female arguing in the area of North Second and Chestnut streets brought police to the scene.

Police investigated a noise complaint in the 200 block of South Second Street.

A female was arrested for alleged DUI in the 1000 block of Chestnut Street. A criminal investigation is ongoing.