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Willow Lane Elementary School PTO hosts bingo night

Press photos by Marieke Andronache Willow Lane Elementary School families gather Nov. 3 for a fun time playing bingo at the school.
The gymnasium is filled with bingo fans.
Stephanie Ashlin, Carl Eisenmann, Liam Eisenmann, Carol Kuehner, Chris Kuehner, Crystal Kuehner and Connor Allen are enjoying their night out.
Francis Walsh concentrates on his bingo cards.
Alex Gresh, Abigail Gresh, Katie Gresh (mom) and Aliana Gresh are making the most of this family night at Willow Lane Elementary School.
The Willow Lane Elementary School PTO organizes the family bingo night, which included a gift basket from each class for a raffle. Members of the PTO, Nicole Kessler, Angela Petras who is pictured with her son, Bentley Petras, Megan Gagoustomos, Megan Ott, Smita Kataria and Jenna Miller gather for a photo.
Alison, Kerri, Tessa and Evan Moyseenko are having a wonderful time playing bingo.
Willow Lane parent Jeanette Shoemaker has a fun night playing bingo at the school fundraiser which helps with school activities and field trips for the students throughout the year.