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Cedar Crest venture approved


Special to The Press

Parkland students will now have the opportunity to take courses at Cedar Crest College through a partnership recently approved by the school board.

Assistant High School Principal Dr. Terry Meehan explained the proposal at the Nov. 13 Academics, Arts and Athletics Committee meeting.

He said the district already has dual credit agreements with Lehigh Carbon Community College, Seton Hall and Penn State.

Meehan noted professors come to the district at times. Other times, the college contracts with Parkland staff.

Assistant High School Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Tamara Stavenski-Bennick reported the colleges often contract with an agency to employ adjunct professors to teach specific content areas.

She said the instructors would be approved by Cedar Crest College based on their qualifications.

“This same concept happens at LCCC and it is common for colleges to outsource for adjunct professors,” Bennick said.

In another matter, the board approved a quote from World of Learning Institute to provide virtual instruction for Advanced Placement German students at a cost of $14,950.

Bennick commented on the benefits of the AP German offering.

“With 13 AP students currently enrolled, this program delivers live, face-to-face instruction, online accessibility and interactive engagement.”

Bennick said overall 83 students will be affected by the World of Learning set up.

In another item, the board approved a quote from Educere to provide virtual education for various higher level German classes at a cost of $23,142.

The technology based supplier already is used by the district for American Sign Language and early German courses.

On a different topic, James Moniz, director of online learning and alternative education, gave an update on the number of English Language Learners in the district.

He noted there are currently 364 ELLS now, compared to 392 in June 2023.

Moniz stated most of the ELL growth is in the southern section of the district with Spanish the predominant language, although a total of 53 different languages are represented.