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Hokendauqua: St. John’s UCC plans December events

St. John’s United Church of Christ, Mickleys, 2918 MacArthur Road, invites the community to its Christmas cantata, set for 10 a.m. Dec. 10.

Later that same day, the church will hold a pictures with Santa event 1-3:30 p.m. Bring the camera and your children, grandchildren or pets. There will also be crafts, snacks and hot chocolate.

Consider bringing a gift to donate to Toys for Tots and/or canned goods for Whitehall Food Pantry.

For more information, call the church office at 610-821-8725.

The church will also hold a service of hope and healing, scheduled for 2 p.m. Dec. 17.


Due to the weather Dec. 3, Hokendauqua Fire Station 38 and Hokendauqua Park and Playground had to reschedule its Operation Santa.

The new date will be Dec. 10, starting 10 a.m.

The jolly old guy from the North Pole and his helpers will be handing out oranges and bags of candy to those coming out to greet him. The fire company will be providing escort services throughout the day, and volunteers from both groups will be helping Santa.

If you hear the sirens, come out to say hello to Santa!

There will be no special/individual gift arrangements for this year’s visit.


Hokey Eagles football and cheering will have a breakfast with Santa event 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at West Catasauqua Fire Social Hall, 2008 Second Ave. There is a cost for children and adults.

To see if tickets are still available, email Chris Wydock at hokeyaapresident@yahoo.com.


There is only one more open house for 2023 at Whitehall Historical Preservation Society’s Helfrich Springs Grist Mill and Peter Grim Homestead, 501 and 506 Mickley Road, respectively. The event is 1-3 p.m. Dec. 17.

For more information, email whps@verizon.net or visit whitehallhistoricalsociety.org.


There is a Whitehall-Coplay Hunger Initiative free community meal for low-income Whitehall and Coplay residents set for 4-6 p.m. Dec. 19 at Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church, 3300 Seventh St. The meal is guaranteed for the first 100 guests.

Call the church at 610-434-8661 with questions.


Email your events or news to skoch@tnonline.com by Dec. 15 to meet the deadline.