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Coplay considers two new full-time police officers

Police Chief Ryan Emerich asked Coplay Borough Council, during its Dec. 5 workshop meeting, to consider approving two potential candidates for full-time employment in the borough police department, pending conditions of completing all Civil Service and Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission requirements.

The two individuals would begin training at the police academy in January 2024. The academy training takes approximately six months and is followed by field officer training and other required instruction. Council will vote on this matter at the regular December meeting.

Borough Secretary Tiffany Benson reported Acela Engineering Company, which currently serves as the engineering firm for the borough, has communicated that fees are staying the same for 2024. Council will vote to approve the reappointment of Acela Engineering for services to the borough for 2024.

Councilman Rick Kern suggested a committee be formed to better understand the funds needed to complete a proposed lighting project for Samuel Balliet Stadium. A grant, which will expire at the end of 2024, has already been awarded to the borough for this project. However, additional funds are needed to execute the project.

Kern noted additional forms will be completed to apply for a state funding request to assist with the expenses.

Other items that will be brought to a vote at the December meeting include a number of fund transfers from the borough’s general fund to a department projects fund.

The next regular borough meeting will be 7 p.m. Dec. 12 in the meeting room at the borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.