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Order of truck restriction signs on Limeport Pike approved by supervisors

The Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors convened for its regular meeting 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16.

The evening commenced with the standard formalities.

The board announced they are open to public comment throughout the meeting.

The board turned its attention to the approval of minutes from the Oct. 19 regular meeting and the Nov. 2 workshop. These records, serving as an account of past discussions and decisions, were approved. Next year’s budget was the center of discussion at the workshop meeting.

Next was the treasurer’s report. This highlighted a breakdown of various funds, including the general fund, historical registry fund and the ARPA of 2021 Fund. Notable figures included the general fund at $1,738,228 and the highway capital improvement fund at $329,673.

Following this financial review, the board moved to authorize the payment of bills for November.

Borough Administrator Emily Fucci was asked by the board about any highlights in the administrator, zoning, public works and administrative assistant reports. However, she did not have anything to note. The Macungie Ambulance, fire company and library reports were then approved as well.

It was noted Lehigh County is in the midst of a radio system upgrade to modernize radio communication for emergency responders throughout the county.

In old business, the first item was an updated Maplewood Subdivision Escrow Security Review by Cowan Associates, Inc. Improvements had been made not previously accounted for. The recommendation for the release of escrows related to Maplewood Residential, LP was approved later in the meeting.

Cowan was asked and provided a preliminary traffic study on Milky Way regarding large truck traffic. However, Cowan responded municipalities are permitted to restrict Surface Transportation Assistance Act vehicles, which are typically long trucks, on township-owned roadways that do not meet appropriate standards. The board approved the motion Fucci order truck restriction signs for Milky Way. Speed humps will also be installed.

The board approved Resolution 2023-13. This updated the regulations for the issuance and application of special event permits. Additionally, the board approved the next step toward a township office HVAC replacement. This step permitted the work to be done by a borough employee.

The last item was the approval of the release of third and fourth quarter donations to the Southern Lehigh Public Library.

The meeting then moved to new business.

The board approved Resolution 2023-14, authorizing the issuance of individual procurement cards. The board then approved the adoption of a revised purchasing policy for procurement cards, which reflects the board’s dedication to efficient and accountable financial practices.

The board approved the receipt of an update to The Sanctuary at Haafsville Animal Control Contract Program. This came with bad news, as the Sanctuary is no longer accepting stray dogs.

The last item was the approval of Municibid sale items that will be listed by the township.

The correspondence section contained several agenda items, including Village of Limeport resident petitions regarding traffic conditions and First Energy/Met-Ed notification of planning transmission line work.

A representative for the Village Center presented the danger on Limeport Pike. He stated Limeport Pike has been rated the seventh most dangerous road in Pennsylvania. Zillow and other home sites will reflect the data he presented in the year 2025. The representative wants to get ahead of the problem. His suggestion was to have members of specific areas sell their properties to a venture capitalist firm that purchases large land areas to then transform the land. This will bring about zoning variances, lot line changes and roadway adjustments.

He also highlighted a lot of hypodermic needles are being found on the sides of Limeport Pike and the representative is suggesting Limeport Pike be turned into a “not preferred” road on various travel apps. The rep was providing this information after completing a road study. The ideas are recommendations.

The board approved a special meeting on the topic.

A sponsorship request for the second annual 2024 Lehigh Valley Emergency Management Conference at DeSales University was denied. A funding request was also denied to Flint Hill Farm.

A resident did complain about street parking on Dekrane Drive, which is a cul-de-sac. The board stated they would post signage to deter this and may have to take action with the magistrate.

With no further business at hand, the meeting concluded. The next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Dec. 21.