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Memorandum of Understanding approved with Lower Macungie Fire Department

Several borough residents spoke about the fire department issue during the regularly scheduled Macungie Borough Council meeting Nov. 20.

There are comments in support of the department and there are those against it.

A draft Memorandum of Understanding was presented for the borough to utilize Lower Macungie Fire Department. Council approved the draft and certain revisions will be made.

The final draft will be presented at the next council meeting. If approved, an ordinance will have to be created.

Pat McLaughlin, a part-time police officer for the Macungie Police Department, resigned his position as of the beginning of November. The department is requesting to hire Sabdiel Diaz. This was approved by council.

The 2024 budget was approved. This included a portion for the contract with Emmaus Public Library.

The department of public works requested a new laptop. This was approved. The department also requested the rental of a lift for holiday decorating. The was approved.

Columbia Excavating had several invoices approved for payment.

An executive session was held for real estate, legal and personnel issues.

The next scheduled Macungie Borough Council meeting is Dec. 4, according to the borough website.