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Borough, police reach tentative agreement

At the Nov. 16 Northampton Borough Council meeting, Councilman Kenneth Hall said the borough reached a tentative agreement with the police bargaining unit and the nonuniformed bargaining unit. The specifics of the agreements will be presented to council for possible approval at the Dec. 7 council meeting.

Hall also reported the borough received $4,928.53 from Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to reimburse the borough for snow and ice control on the state roads in the borough.

He added the third-quarter franchise fee was received from Service Electric Cable TV for $5,679.57.

The 2024 proposed general fund budget will be distributed before the Dec. 7 council meeting for introduction and preliminary approval at the first council meeting in December, according to Hall.

Council approved a request from Northampton Police Chief Bryan Kadingo to have a no-parking sign placed at the intersection of Laubach Avenue and Hudson Court. Reportedly, cars have been parking too close to the intersection, limiting the ability of cars to safely enter Laubach Avenue.

A resident who lives near the questioned intersection agreed there is a safety issue at that intersection. He noted he has had several near-accidents at Laubach Avenue and Hudson Court because of limited visibility.

The Northampton Exchange Club received council permission to sponsor and hold the annual Community Days Fair at the borough’s Municipal Park beginning July 17, 2024. The fair typically runs from Wednesday through Saturday.

Council accepted the retirement of borough Treasurer Mary Ellen Handlon, effective Dec. 31. Borough Manager LeRoy Brobst noted she will be difficult to replace because of her extensive knowledge of the role and the highly valued work she performs for the borough.

Applications for the position are being accepted. Contact the borough office to apply.

Council denied and sent the recommendation back to the planning commission for further review and clarification to allow the use of high-density polyethylene piping (HDPE) in place of concrete pipe for use entering the retention pond in the area of Horwith Drive and Hollow Lane. A representative from Keystone Engineering attended the meeting and informed council they plan to possibly use a steel pipe instead of HDPE.

Councilwoman Judy Haldeman reported on the borough’s tree lighting, which has been rescheduled for 5:30 p.m. Dec. 3 at Main Street and Laubach Avenue. This year’s tree was donated by Rob James.

“It appears to be a very nice tree,” Haldeman noted.

Councilman Trevor Stone said two representatives of the Federal Emergency Management Agency inspected and reviewed the inventory from the Civil Defense Mobile Hospital stored in various areas of the community center. FEMA recommended relocating much of the equipment to another location.

Stone reminded residents weed and grass complaints were no longer accepted for the year, beginning Nov. 1, by the code enforcement officer. He reported residents have been seen blowing or raking leaves into the street.

Councilman Jason Donahue noted Northampton Borough Fire Chief Keith Knoblach reminds all to change the batteries in their smoke detectors and carbon dioxide detectors to ensure their safety.

Donahue also reported the fire department is planning the annual Santa Run Dec. 9, beginning noon. Anyone interested can drop off a gift 6-9 p.m. Dec. 6-8 at the fire station, 4 Lerchenmiller Drive. Gifts cannot exceed the size of a shoe box and must include the child’s name, address and a parent’s phone number.

Council Vice President Ronald Glassic thanked the public works department, which has been busy installing holiday decorations throughout the borough, and for installing the remaining Hometown Heroes banners in time for the Veterans Day celebration Nov. 11.

Glassic also noted making the borough council meeting a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options, has greatly increased the number of meeting attendees. He said he is delighted with the attendance increase and success of the virtual meetings.

He also noted political signs need to be picked up as soon as possible after the election.

Mayor Tony Pristash thanked all who attended the borough’s Veterans Day ceremony organized by the Northampton military service groups. He said he was grateful for the residents who attended and the number of veterans present who could be thanked for their service and sacrifice.

Pristash added he recently attended a meeting at the Northampton Area High School Volunteer Club and was impressed by the number of youngsters at the meeting and their enthusiasm.

The next Northampton Borough Council meeting is 7 p.m. Dec. 7 at the municipal building, 1401 Laubach Ave., Northampton. It is a hybrid meeting, both in-person and viewable on YouTube. Visit northamptonboro.com for the YouTube access instruction.