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Grade: 11th.

Family members: My mom Heather, my dad Nathan, my brother Mika, and my cat Remy.

Favorite subject(s): Social studies and English, since both connect stories from the past and apply them to present situations.

Activities: I love writing plays, musicals and poetry. I also love taking walks and playing badminton.

Next steps: Going to college for theater writing.

Career goals: Becoming a professional playwright, librettist, dramaturge, and/or a creative writer.

Heroes: Harriet Tubman, Marsha P. Johnson and Johnathan Larson. All stood up for their own ideals and pursued their dreams without compromise.

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, and acting.

Volunteer/community work: Usher at the State Theater in Easton.

Likes: Musicals, kind people, walks, walking sticks and Boba Tea.

Dislikes: Crowded areas, the feeling of sandpaper and narrow-mindedness.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): Getting into the University of Iowa’s Young Writers’ Studio Summer Program.

Advice for peers: Keep on pursuing your goals and dreams. Keep on going forward.