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Ethics ordinance causes tense talk

There was a tense moment toward the end of thebNov. 6 Bethlehem Township Board of Commissioners meeting between commissioners Luke Verdes and John Merhottein about a proposed ethics ordinance under discussion.

According to Verdes, “the ordinance requires members of the board to recuse themselves if they have a conflict of interest. The primary definition of that is if they’ve accepted campaign contributions from somebody who has business before this board.

“Currently, the time frame for this extends to two years from the time that they receive that contribution. I’m asking to extend that all the way through the term.”

The amount in question would be $250 or more.

On the eve of the election, Verdes provided examples of candidates receiving large campaign funds from various known developers in the area. Merhottein claimed it was appropriate, due to the polls opening within hours, but Verdes was allowed to continue as the examples he chose were of public record.

Bethlehem Township usually receives between $40 to $50,000 under the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Act 904 for recycling grant applications, explained Merhottein to the board.

In preparation for the latest application grant, the board passed a resolution authorizing township manager Doug Bruce to enter into an agreement with Hough Associates to gather information on personal and commercial recycling data.

This information is required upon submitting the grant application.

A resolution awarding a contract to Madison Farms for snow removal was approved by the board. They were the sole bidders for this contract.

Larry Resar was unanimously appointed as deputy emergency management coordinator for the township.

A motion, which would have authorized a cooperative agreement between the township and Nancy Run Fire Company was tabled.

The agreement related to a grant application for purchasing portable radios, which at the time of the vote had yet to be approved.

PRESS PHOTO BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE Bethlehem Township Commissioner Luke Verdes speaks on having stronger ethic of conflict rules for commissioners who have business relationships with individuals/business who have business with the board.