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STUDENT PROFILE Dhriti Iyer, Lehigh Valley Academy

Grade: 12th

Family: I live with my mom, dad, older brother, and dog.

Favorite subject(s): My favorite subject is film because I love watching and making films! History is a close second because I enjoy learning about world events.

Activities: I play chess and often play at tournaments and club events. I am learning Carnatic classical music and an Indian classical dance form called Bharatanatyam.

Next steps: I plan on attending a university and majoring in computer science.

Career goals: I dream of becoming a software engineer!

Heroes: My hero is my dad. His work ethic and determination have made him successful in his career and have given him the strength to start a new life for our family in America.

Hobbies: I love watching movies, singing, and listening to music!

Volunteer/community work: I have volunteered at St. Luke’s as a junior volunteer and at Christkindlmarkt!

Likes: I love spending time with my friends outside of school, binge-watching shows, traveling, and eating any foods that are sweet.

Dislikes: I dislike cold weather, bugs, and not sleeping enough.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): Becoming a student reporter for the Bethlehem Press!

Advice for peers: My advice would be to live in the present and do the best you can right now. You can’t always control what happens in the future, but you can control the choices you make now.

Julia Swan coordinates student profiles for the Bethlehem Press.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.