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Proposed billboard rejected in Salisbury Township

A billboard proposed for the Lehigh Street and 31st Street intersection in Salisbury Township has been rejected.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board voted unanimously 5-0 Oct. 11 to reject the Matador Outdoor, LLC appeal of Salisbury Township Planning and Zoning Officer Kerry Rabold’s decision of May 11, 2023, denying the erection of an electronic, off-premise sign on a property at 3101 Lehigh St.

The billboard is proposed for placement on a used car lot on the intersection’s southwest corner.

Township zoners also voted unanimously 5-0 in separate votes to reject the applicant’s request for variances from:

•The maximum permitted size of electronic message changing size is 25 square feet, whereas 300 square feet is proposed;

•Off-premise signs shall be 1,000 feet from other off-premise signs, whereas the proposed sign is within 1,000 feet of other off-premise signs, and

•Off-premise signs shall not be within 400 feet of a residential dwelling, whereas the proposed sign is less than 400 feet from an existing dwelling.

In the second alternative, the applicant challenges the validity of the township zoning ordinance.

Township zoners voted unanimously 5-0 to reject the applicant’s challenge that the zoning ordinance is invalid.

Zoners expressed concerns about rewriting township zoning law.

“There is an existing use of that property. It’s being used as a commercial used car lot,” Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board Chairman Attorney Kent Herman said.

“We permit billboards and we permit electronic signs,” Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board Vice Chairman Attorney Ian Baxter said.

“Is our role to rewrite this without coming up with new standards?” Baxter asked.

“I think the burden remains on the applicant to demonstrate the continuing invalidity of our ordinance,” Baxter said.

“You’ve already determined to deny the variance on general principles,” Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor Attorney William Fries said.

Zoners expressed concerns about the billboard’s potential effect on traffic at the busy 31st and Lehigh intersection.

“I think we’re hearing that there are many accidents in that area,” Herman said.

“That area is a very high-traffic area,” Herman continued, adding, “The addition of a huge changing sign would exacerbate concerns.”

The property is in the township‘s R4, Medium Density Residential zoning district.

The Oct. 11 zoning hearing was a continuation of the Sept. 13 hearing when testimony was heard and the appeal was tabled. Further testimony was closed at the Oct. 11 hearing.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board meets 7 p.m. Nov. 8 in the meeting room of the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners meet 7 p.m. Nov. 9 and Nov. 21 (because of the Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Day holiday) in the municipal building.

The township planning commission meets 7 p.m. Nov. 29 in the municipal building.