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Liberty HS Theatre presents 'Radium Girls’

Liberty HS Theatre presents “Radium Girls” on the school stage Thursday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 18 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. The drama is based on the book of the same name by D. W. Gregory and is presented by special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing.

“Radium Girls” is about the contrast of radium as a health cure discovered by Dr. Marie Curie in the 1920s and the health risks it presented to workers who painted it on luminous watches and suffered long term health issues and even premature death.

Laura Mainiero is both director and vocal director. She is assisted by Ellyce Nieves (assistant director), Ross Makary (technical director and set design), Wes Harris (sound engineer), Ellen Schmoyer (light design), Laura Papera and Betsy Mowrer (costumes), and Abby Brown (stage manager).

Factory workers Irene Rudolph (Caroline Lisson), Kathryn Schaub (Marley Hartnett-Cody) and Grace Fryer (Sophia Quartuch) are highlighted in the story about radium causing health issues for the workers who applied it to watch faces in the 1920s.
Press photos by Dana Grubb U.S. Radium Corporation employer Arthur Roeder meets with employees Irene Rudolph (Caroline Lisson), Grace Fryer (Sophia Quartuch) and Kathryn Schaub (Marley Hartnett-Cody).
C.B. “Charlie” Lee (Jacob Piccini) and Arthur Roeder (Cameron Dunham) discuss ways in which to further market the use of radium.
Plant supervisor Mrs. Alma MacNeil (Erika Broesicke) provides encouragement to Kathryn Schaub (Marley Hartnett-Cody) and Grace Fryer (Sophia Quartuch) to be productive.