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Lehigh Valley Academy By Dhriti Iyer

Fall at Lehigh Valley Academy has been nothing short of active. With the move to the new building and the fun events taking place, the school has been an engaging environment for students and families. On Oct. 25, LVA cross country athletes Jared Bowen and Gavin Warner placed third and sixth, respectively, during the District XI Championships, which took place at DeSales University. Additionally, the LVA high school boys finished in third place. These were significant and encouraging victories for the Jaguars, hopefully motivating our athletes to continue obtaining more victories.

LVA Soul Steppers hosted Soul Stepper Sundae Nov. 3. This was a fundraising event to help pay for their trip to Nationals in June and a way to welcome back students and families to the new building. Those who attended were able to buy various types of sundaes and sweet treats while enjoying some social time with others. Ms. Jihnai Johnson, the supervising teacher for the Soul Steppers, described the turnout as good because parents, teachers and students of all grade levels attended.

The World Language Banquet and the inductions for new Spanish and French National Honor Society members occurred Nov. 9. As families brought their own cultural dishes to share at the banquet, people got to experience new foods and cultural experiences. This was an important event for LVA as it allowed attendees to share their own traditions and cultures with the LVA community. The banquet was followed by the Honor Society inductions organized by teachers Mrs. Shannon Whitbeck and Ms. Sarah Ayers. New members participated in the candle-lighting ceremony, an important part of any Honor Society induction.

Similarly, the Black Student Union held a cookout Nov. 9 to help fundraise for their organization, with adults paying $15 and students paying $10 to attend. The cookout consisted of various cultural soul foods that people were able to enjoy.

Regarding the arts, some exciting events are coming up. LVA’s “Into the Woods Jr.” Middle school musical is set to be held Nov. 11 and 12 at Nazareth Area Intermediate School. As the cold weather slowly approaches, band and choir students are gearing up for the Band and Choir Winter Concert on Dec. 5, which will be held at Nazareth HS. While discussing the concert, senior Avril Rodriguez stated, “I feel both excited and sad because it will be one of my final performances for band. I’m also excited because we have a lot of challenging songs that sound really good.” She will be playing the baritone and trumpet and has been preparing extensively for the concert.

The past couple of months were only the beginning of LVA’s fun planned events, and more are yet to happen as the school year unfolds.
