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District News: Students to be dismissed early

Students at Gockley, Steckel and Zephyr elementary schools and Whitehall-Coplay Middle School will be dismissed early due to parent-teacher conferences Nov. 17, 20 and 21. Students will be dismissed noon.


There will be no school Nov. 22 for Whitehall-Coplay School District students; teachers will have a professional development day. From Nov. 24 to Nov. 27, WCSD will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. Classes will resume Nov 28.

Have a wonderful time with family and friends.


Reminder: Report cards for the first marking period are now available. Physical report cards were sent home with your child and are also accessible electronically through PowerSchool.

To strengthen the connection between home and school, ensure you are reviewing your child’s report card with them. If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or school.

As a note, report cards for the second and third marking periods will also be sent home and sent electronically. For the fourth marking period, report cards will be mailed and available through PowerSchool.


Order your Whitehall High School yearbook. The price is $70 until Thanksgiving.

To purchase, visit balfour.com and search Whitehall High School.


If you would like to share any upcoming school events for administrators, teachers, staff, clubs, students, coaches etc., email me at jamb87@hotmail.com and title it Whitehall-Coplay District News. I am happy to spread the news for any upcoming activities. You can also send me photos and great things that are happening in your classroom for possible publication in The Press. Be sure to send me your information at least two weeks before an event. Columns are completed the weekend before going to press Wednesdays.