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Communities That Care committees report on next steps

During the Oct. 20 Whitehall-Coplay Communities That Care meeting, committee members shared updates on the steps they are taking to achieve their short-term goals.

The low commitment to school committee is working to create a survey to gauge student interest in extracurricular activities and clubs. The committee is hoping to see a reduction in the number of students reporting they do not take part in pro-social activities in the 2023 Pennsylvania Youth Survey.

Michelle Khouri, Whitehall-Coplay School District registrar and community outreach, reported the committee finalized the questions for the survey. She also noted they expected to share the survey during the week of Oct. 30. The survey results will be discussed at the next meeting.

The mental health and wellness committee is working toward creating video PSAs to help combat the stigma around mental health problems and asking for help. The goal is to have the PSAs made by the students for the students with the idea that the message might have more of an impact coming from their peers.

The committee’s goal is to see a reduction in the number of current 12th-graders reporting having seriously considered suicide in the past year. There were 29% of 10th-graders who reported seriously considering suicide during the 2021 PAYS, so the committee wants to follow the same cohort of students and hopefully see a decline in that number.

The substance use prevention committee discussed needing a STARS or SADD adviser at Whitehall High School. Members also noted how times have changed since before the COVID-19 pandemic, including the time students spend in class and on homework. There was continued discussion on other ways to embed substance use prevention information to the students through other classes and ways to reach and educate parents about methods of helping their students stay on track and avoid destruction decisions.

The committee is hoping to keep the increase in students reporting vaping to a minimum in the 2023 PAYS.

Tyrone Fisher, of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lehigh Valley, said the organization would be open to a collaboration since its has a substance use prevention component. He also reported the WCSD mentoring program is going well with 15-30 pairs of high school and elementary school students.

The next Whitehall-Coplay CTC meeting will be held 9 a.m. Nov. 17 in the Large Group Instruction room at Whitehall High School.