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County opposes landfill plan

Many residents addressed Northampton County Council at the Oct. 19 meeting to oppose the expansion of a Lower Saucon Township landfill expansion.

Residents expressed their concerns about the odor. They were also concerned about heavy rains washing dirt and other waste into waterways.

Bethlehem Landfill Company filed a conditional use application Jan. 6 associated with the lateral and overlay expansion of the landfill located at 2335 Applebutter Road.

Phase V of the landfill expansion proposed “117.4 acres of lateral expansion and 26.74 acres atop previously permitted line disposable area.”

Council previously opposed the expansion and adopted resolution 18-2023, which sought party status to intervene in the conditional use hearing.

In response to its original ordinance being invalidated, Lower Saucon Township enacted ordinance 2023-05, which would allow landfills and waste disposal facilities as a use permitted by right. This ordinance also “deprives the public and the county of Northampton of the right to participate in a public hearing on the proposed Bethlehem Landfill expansion” and removes the conditional use proceeding in which the county had been granted party status.

Council voted 5-2 to reaffirm the findings set out in resolution 18-2023. The resolutions stated the county believes landfill expansion is not in the best interest of Northampton County. Councilmen John Goffredo and Thomas Giovanni voted against the resolution.

“Council is not a body that determines zoning. That’s a municipality issue, and we shouldn’t be involved in that,” Giovanni said.

Lori Vargo-Heffner said opposing the landfill expansion was the right thing to do. She agreed, however, county council has no authority in zoning.

Tara Zrinski noted this resolution is about if the county wants a seat at the table, not if they agree or disagree with the expansion.

Council will next meet 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the county building, 669 Washington St., Easton.