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Commendations for merit, bravery and heroism awarded

Emmaus Borough Council met Nov. 6 at Emmaus Borough Hall and began with a public hearing for the discussion and acceptance of an amended zoning map and amended zoning ordinances.

The hearing was led by the solicitor with a presentation by a representative from Michael Baker International.

The ordinances being adopted would create an official map and include a rewrite of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. The rewrite will reflect SALDO technical corrections, zoning code technical corrections and needs for clarification, plus zoning code revisions.

The proposed new map, districts and information can be found on the borough website. Residents should check the amendments to the zoning districts, as many permitted uses have been changed in the districts.

There were questions on the newly updated permitted uses. The discussion was about accessory uses in conservation districts. Changes were made after the public asked questions about building swimming pools and parking RVs and boats, permitting both. However, no action was taken on any of these items as the first readings will be introduced at the next meeting.

Following the public hearing, the official regular meeting began with a resident voicing his concern over “outside investors” purchasing properties and crowding the area, while not maintaining appropriate conditions for surrounding neighbors. There was agreement from council; Borough Manager Shane Pepe noted he agrees and these concerns are being reviewed with the solicitor.

Following this, the previous meeting minutes were approved. There was no community minute or special presentations.

Next, commendations for merit, bravery and heroism were awarded to members of the local police force during the communications segment, highlighting the dedication and commitment of Emmaus law enforcement.

Sgt. Robert Alburger and Patrolman Timothy Kline received Commendations for Heroism. An aggressive individual assaulted Alburger Jan. 13 and caused glass to be shattered into the officer’s eyes. The subject severely injured himself which required a tourniquet to stop the bleeding and Alburger continued to assist in the detention and application of the tourniquet while being blinded by the glass.

Kline responded to a building fire June 24 at the Colonial Crest Apartments. Kline quickly grabbed a ladder and got to the people trapped on outside balconies. He climbed up and escorted six adults and four children to safety.

Sgt. Kevin Schmidt, Patrolman Braden Sacks and Kline received Commendations for Merit. Each officer received this honor as the result of their actions taken on the night Alburger was attacked Jan. 13.

Sgt. Jeremy Schilling received a Commendation for Bravery. An intoxicated female driver brandished a large knife and attempted to swing at the officer. He successfully was able to take her into custody without injury to her or himself.

Next, the borough thanked the Kiwanis Club for their $2,800 donation to pay for the cost of the Kiwanis ballpark bridge replacement between the fields and the playground.

A Cost-of-Living Adjustment for eligible retired officers of the Emmaus Police Department was approved to go to the budget and finance committee for further discussion. This is because the previous COLA was issued in 2009 and an adjustment is needed to attempt to keep up with the increased cost of goods and services.

The last item was a resignation from a public works employee.

In unfinished business, council reviewed and approved Ordinance 1249 and Ordinance 1250.

Ordinance 1249 amends the Emmaus borough code, adding a residential disabled parking sign assigning a permitted parking space at 611 Walnut St. and removing the assigned disabled parking sign at 613 Walnut St.

Ordinance 1250 amends the Emmaus borough code, assigning a permitted parking space in front of 555 Broad St.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert’s report provided a summary of activities and initiatives undertaken Aug. 17 through Oct. 31. Five proclamations were passed in this time.

Reports and updates from various council committees came next.

In parks and recreation, the new borough logo was introduced and approved by council. During public safety, Councilman John Hart recommended Tyler Wiik to be hired as a full-time police officer. He was approved by council and will go through the traditional probationary period.

Following this, an executive session was called. A motion was made to withdraw Emmaus from the class action suit with Dupont and 3M. By opting out, they will be pursuing separate action. This was approved by council.

In budget and finance, the bill list was approved totaling $1,498,276.94. There was no other action taken for the rest of the meeting.

The meeting was then adjourned.