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There are two candidates seeking a seat on the Upper Milford Township Board of Supervisors. Voters are asked to choose one. The candidates were asked to respond to the following question in 100 words or less:


What makes you uniquely qualified to serve?

Democrat Joyce K. Moore I am uniquely qualified to serve the residents of Upper Milford. I'm currently chair of the Upper Milford Board of Supervisors, having served for six years. I love the township, its citizens and countryside. While serving the township, we've preserved more than 500 acres of farmland and timberland. My work as a management accountant helps at budget time. I consider myself a fiduciary of the taxpayers. I want to keep our taxes low. We are challenged with funding our fire companies and maintaining their fiscal sustainability. I want to help them, as they help us in our time of need.
Republican Angela Ashbrook I bring to this role all of the qualifications and experience necessary for the duties of a supervisor from my years of experience holding an equivalent seat on Macungie Council. I work in accounting and understand how to maximize results while working within a fixed budget. What I uniquely bring to the table is the belief that elected officials should work FOR the people they represent with transparency and integrity. Somewhere along the line it was lost that government works for the people and I'm looking to change that. Thank you to all supporting me in representing our community.