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There are 10 candidates seeking a seat on the East Penn School Board. Voters are asked to choose five. The candidates were asked to respond to the following question in 100 words or less:


What makes you uniquely qualified to serve?

Democrat Joshua Levinson Voters should visit my website (levinsonforeastpenn.org) and my campaign's Facebook page to read about my background, accomplishments and thoughts on a number of issues. As an incumbent, people can review several years of recorded board meetings and published articles to review my comments and votes. Finally, voters should feel free to reach out to me via email/direct messaging or to arrange a conversation to discuss their questions/concerns and to receive un-sensationalized analysis. Great schools build strong communities and I look forward to supporting all stakeholders in the years to come. Vote the first five to support a pro-education East Penn!
Democrat Shonta Ford Always look for credible sources. Avoid hearsay. Do your own research. Get it straight from the candidate. I have an active Website fordforeastpenn.org and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FordforEastPenn?mibextid=LQQJ4d. Both have current information on our campaign. I have spoken at multiple public forums, like the League of Women Voters Lehigh County to share my background and platform. Feel free to reach out.
Democrat Gabrielle Klotz Voters have several ways to learn about me and my stance on current issues - they can review my Facebook and Instagram (both are KlotzForEastPenn), email me at gabpklotz@gmail.com or meet me for coffee. I am transparent about my views - no agenda here. I want our community to continue on the path of educational excellence, emotional and mental well-being, acceptance and appreciation of others with differing views, beliefs and lives. I want us all to be successful.
Republican Paul Barbehenn There are two places I would visit for information regarding my candidacy, including why I decided to run for a seat on the board. I would ask voters to visit: https://www.barbehenn4eastpenn.org. In addition to a brief summary, there is a link to a Broad + Liberty article that provides an excellent overview and summary. Additionally, I would welcome folks to visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCDaqhJdfUc. I urge all voters to drown out the loud voices and partisan noise and hear from every candidate directly. I welcome the opportunity to connect directly!
Republican Kristofer DePaolo I entered the East Penn School Board race because I saw a need for practical, common-sense leadership. Instead of sitting back, I decided to jump in and look to help our community. Rather than being able to engage other candidates in constructive discourse around issues involving our district, my experience, and how I would approach issues, instead I've found myself in the middle of a partisan circus dominated by loud voices who want to divide our community with national issues. I have no interest in banning books and have not been endorsed by Moms for Liberty. To learn more https://yourvoiceontheboard.org/candidates/#Kristofer-DePaolo or email kmdepaolo@hotmail.com.
Republican Angelic Schneider Disinformation is messaging used to purposefully target and mislead voters. Tactics used locally for political gain. I have never met any of the individuals spreading disinformation. When speaking out against a candidate whom you have never met, or reached out to, and developing a fictional, offensive, story one should question why? Become more informed regarding my platform at (schneiderforepsd.org) including information regarding my background in education, behavioral health and various East Penn committees. Additionally, eastpennvoice.com. A final candidate meet and greet is scheduled at Big Woody's in Emmaus 4-6 p.m. Nov 4. Voters who seek the truth are welcome.