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There are six candidates seeking a seat on Emmaus Borough Council. Voters are asked to choose four. The candidates were asked to respond to the following question in 100 words or less:


What makes you uniquely qualified to serve?

Democrat Chris Hoenscheid My focus on the future makes me uniquely qualified to serve on Emmaus Borough Council. My wife and I moved here 18 years ago to start a family, and I can't imagine a better place to do so. I want to ensure Emmaus remains the vibrant place that it is for our generation, for our son's generation and for future generations. I will approach issues analytically and logically, I will listen to the community with an open mind and heart, and I will always focus on what's best for Emmaus, not just for today, but for years to come.
Democrat Katherine Watt My professional background is accounting and data analysis. These, uniquely among the candidates, prepare me for some of the most important duties of council members: oversight of the budget and prioritizing the community's goals. I am deeply tied into the community, not only as a native of Lehigh County but as a two-term treasurer of the Jefferson Elementary PTC.
Republican Chad Balliet The Press was unable to contact the candidate.
Republican Nathan Brown What makes me uniquely qualified is in the past I have served the public as a Lehigh County commissioner and borough council member, understanding the issues of our community and finding ways to solve those challenges by listening to our community members. As a county commissioner I was able to interact with the state legislature on issues such as emergency services, farmland preservation, quality of life for our seniors. Bringing this past proven, experience and leadership to the table will help make decisions that can be tangible to our community in our everyday life.
Republican Trevor Schneck The Press was unable to contact the candidate.
Republican John F. Belin Jr. I will be a FRESH NEW VOICE FOR EMMAUS. I believe in fiscal responsibility and making operations more efficient. I believe in supporting our seniors, small businesses, law enforcement and emergency services.