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Lower Milford hazmat incident reported during meeting

The Lower Milford Board of Supervisors meeting was held Oct. 19 at the Lower Milford Township building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road. Meetings are held 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of every month.

A flyer was passed out showcasing Lower Milford Township’s trick or treat night 6-8 p.m. Oct. 27. Candy, prizes and a mini horse photo booth were planned at the township building.

The meeting began with the regular call to order. There were no public comments to start the meeting. There was then an announcement of an executive session held before the meeting for litigation purposes. The previous meeting minutes were then approved.

The township treasurer’s report showed the general fund at $1,992,331. There is still $46,058 left in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 fund.

The October 2023 bills were also approved for payment.

The administrator, zoning and public works reports were all approved.

Of note, Administrator Emily Fucci read a letter from the township’s emergency coordinator. There was a minor hazmat incident Sept. 27 near Standard Lane and Grant Road. A pool company did not recycle their waste appropriately and it was dumped down a storm drain that ran to a public waterway.

A rapid response team came out to clean the storm drain, pipe systems, waterways and surrounding area. The Department of Environmental Protection has declared the area safe and free of contamination. DEP representatives said all people in the area were safe, although a small population of fish were killed in the incident. The pool company was held responsible.

Fucci also stated that, despite a rainy day, the fall festival was a relative success and people still had a fun time on a soaked Saturday.

There were four calls to Lower Milford received by the Macungie Ambulance Corps.

It was shown that, on Sept. 23, Herb Frye, from the Merissa L. Frye Small Cell Cervical Cancer Memorial Foundation provided a donation check in the amount of $8,000 to the corps.

Dating back to the beginning of the year, the Lower Milford Fire Company No. 1 has responded to 115 incidents. There were 11 building fires reported.

In old business, Resolution 2023-10 was approved. This resolution appoints Christopher Yetter to the Lower Milford Zoning Hearing Board. His term will end at the close of 2025.

In new business, there were several items.

Resolution 2023-11 authorized the 2022-2023 stipend payment to the Lower Milford Township Fire Company eligible members. Resolution 2023-12 established an electronic and email use policy. Both were approved.

Next, an October 2023 electronic recycling and Municibid resale proposal was approved. The proposal contained a list of unusable items the township owns, mainly a barrage of broken or outdated items. An advertisement with the intent to hire a CPA for the 2023 township audit was also approved.

Approval was also given for Lower Milford Fire Police assistance at the Macungie Halloween Parade Oct. 29.

The second draft of the 2024 budget was reviewed at the end of the agenda. A few modifications were made to the first draft. Fucci provided several answers to the board on budget items at the Oct. 5 board of supervisors workshop meeting. These included potential equipment purchases, capital improvements to the township building and the success of the trap-neuter-release voucher program under the 2023 contract with Sanctuary at Haafsville. It was noted the new voucher program will be 50 total vouchers on a first-come, first-serve basis.

However, there are still some budgetary items that need to be ironed out. The items mentioned by Fucci include the MS4 plan, roof quotes for the township building, items with Cowan Associates and some clarity from the fire company on their budget.

There will be additional meetings to finalize numbers on these items.

Another review will take place at the November board of supervisors workshop meeting 6:30 p.m. Nov. 2.

The meeting was then adjourned.

The next Lower Milford Board of Supervisors regular meeting, which is different from the workshop meeting, will be held 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16.