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Two candidates, incumbent Daniel Buglio and Joseph Zitarelli, are running for a four-year term as Lehigh County Coroner.

The Lehigh Valley Press asked the candiates the following question to be answered in 100 words or less.

If elected coroner, what improvements, changes would you like to make for the coroner’s office, forensics center, and in what direction would you take the office?


Daniel Buglio

Having been with the office for almost 25 years, supervisory for three and coroner for the past 18 months, I continue to make improvements and advancements. I reduced our annual autopsy numbers by more than half, I advanced our toxicology testing, with a return time of less than an hour as compared to six weeks. I obtained almost $200,000 in grants for communication and equipment upgrades. I will continue to provide my office and the people we serve with the latest in technological advancements and the trust, dignity and compassion that they deserve. I will do this well into the future!

He can be contacted by email at buglioforcoroner@gmail.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088276718132.


Joseph Zitarelli

I would like to take the coroner’s office in the direction of using more advanced medical technology. Many fewer autopsies are done in the USA today because few hospitalized patients die with an unknown cause of death. This is largely due to advances in diagnostic modalities such as ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs. In addition, there is a national shortage of forensic pathologists. I would incorporate advanced diagnostic imaging modalities that would help to direct the post-mortem exam. This would increase accuracy while making more efficient use of the forensic pathologist’s time. In addition, I would look for the coroner to gain access to the electronic medical records of our local hospitals, making data gathering much more efficient as well.

His web page is zitarelliforcoroner.com and his email address is jazitarelli@gmail.com.

Daniel Buglio
Joseph Zitarelli