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WCSD parents raise bus stop concerns

Whitehall-Coplay School District parents continued to voice concerns, during the Oct. 23 school board meeting, about this year’s change in bus stops.

A stop has been added to a street with no sidewalks, raising a safety issue, parents said, adding they want the children to wait on sidewalks until the bus arrives instead of in the road. Parents have reportedly been calling the school voicing their concerns since they were notified of the change in August.

One parent said his daughter was nearly hit by a car because of the lack of sidewalks on the narrow street.

During the meeting, the board reported WCSD Supervisor of Transportation Jeff Bauder is evaluating the situation.

In other news, the board recognized Whitehall-Coplay Middle School teacher Sharon Gumhold and some of her students, who are working on a community service project of making pillowcases and quilts for Lehigh Valley Reilly Children’s Hospital.

Several businesses have donated materials for the students to make these items. The Warm Company of Washington provided $900 worth of batting, and Heartbeat Quilting of Washington provided $240 worth of batting. Fabric and materials were donated by Stash Fabrics and Lois Mease, of River Lawn Quilting of Bethlehem.

This is not a new concept for Gumhold. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she set to work making masks. By the time she noticed some of her students were wearing the same masks every day, she had already made more than 300 masks. She quickly whipped up a round of masks for her homeroom students.

The Nov. 13 committee meetings are canceled, and the next regular meeting will be held Nov. 20.