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SHS names student of the week

Q. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

A. I am currently in my senior year at Salisbury High School.

Q. Who is in your family? Please provide the first names of your family members: parents, siblings and pets.

A. My family consists of my mom, my dad and I also have an older sister, two younger sisters and a younger brother as well as my dog Malcom.

Q. What is your favorite subject? Why?

A. My favorite subject is science – specifically anatomy and physiology. I love learning about the human body and hope to continue my studies in college and become an optometrist one day.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. I have received the Character Athlete of the Year Award for girls varsity tennis and the Salisbury Girls Tennis MVP Award.

Q. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A. I participate in girls tennis and manage boys tennis as well as play the clarinet in concert band. I am a member of the Class of 2024 Advisory and a member of National Honor Society.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. My goal after high school is to attend the University of Pittsburgh to study pre-medicine and from there apply to Salus University of Optometry for graduate school.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. My biggest challenge to date would be caring for my mom when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. I was juggling school and working after school while having to help her around the house especially after her surgery.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. I would like to be remembered as someone who always works hard and perseveres through hardships.

Q. Whom do you admire? Why?

A. I truly admire my parents. They are both so hard working and have persevered through so much adversity in life to be able to provide for my siblings. I intend to not take their sacrifices for granted and work extremely hard to become someone successful and someone they can be proud of.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. My advice for my peers would be to live in the moment and never stress about the future because everything in life is so uncertain so enjoy the moment.