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Moore Township: Moore Township commission scheduled to meet Oct. 31

Moore Township Historical Commission next meets 7 p.m. Oct. 31 at the municipal building, 2491 Community Drive. Learn about the history of Moore Township. Consider joining and supporting its efforts.


Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company, 2718 Mountain View Drive, will be holding a dinner 4-7 p.m. Nov. 3. The menu includes stuffed peppers, stuffed cabbage or a combination, as well as mashed potatoes and a side. Dinners can be for eat-in or for takeout.

Call Stacy at 610-837-3465 with any questions.


Christ United Church of Christ, Little Moore, 913 S. Mink Road, Danielsville, will be holding its fall basket social Nov. 10.

The doors will open 4 p.m., and the drawing will start 8 p.m.

There will be themed baskets, gift cards and more. The kitchen will be open.


The township recreation committee will meet 7 p.m. Nov. 16 at the recreation center, 635 English Road.

The committee is providing an opportunity to purchase a brick for the veteran memorial located at the recreation center.

Visit donate.brickmarkers.com/moore to donate or for information on how to order a memorial brick.


Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company will hold a chicken, gravy and waffle dinner 4-7 p.m. Nov. 17. The dinner includes mashed potatoes, vegetable and a dessert. Dinners can be for eat-in or for takeout.

Call Stacy at 610-837-3465 with any questions.


Christ UCC, Little Moore, will be holding a walk-in gift card bingo Nov. 18. Doors open 11:30 a.m., and bingo starts 1 p.m.

Admission includes two game boards and three special games. The kitchen will be open.

Seating is limited.


Klecknersville Rangers is holding a Thanksgiving filling sale. Pickup is 4-7 p.m. Nov. 20.

Offerings are homemade frozen filling, cranberry relish, pumpkin roll with cream cheese filling and pumpkin custard.

Orders must be made in advance by Nov. 16. Call Stacy at 610-837-3465 to order.


Klecknersville Rangers holds bingo 7 p.m. every Tuesday night in the social hall. There will be prizes, a progressive jackpot, rob the piggy bank, wash line bingo and lots of fun.


The Moore Township Community Days committee is seeking additional members. The committee is already planning the 2024 event.

Visit mooretownship.org for information about joining.


First Regional Compost Authority is open six days a week.

Visit frcaweb.org or call 610-262-1000 for hours of operation and to learn what you can pick up and drop off.


If you want to place information or announcements in this column, email billleiner@aol.com or text/call Bill Leiner at 610-751-2745.