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Halloween in Emmaus 5K has perfect running weather

PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND Partly cloudy and 58 degrees is perfect running weather for the over 400 runners in the 17th annual Halloween in Emmaus 5K Oct. 21. The race began 6:30 p.m. before the Emmaus Halloween Parade. ABOVE: Runners are encouraged to wear costumes with prizes given for first, second and third place best costume.
Families are encouraged to participate in the Halloween in Emmaus 5K.
Runners of all ages participate in the Halloween 5K fun.
Residents line the streets to encourage the runners.
The Halloween in Emmaus 5K run includes this family with three scoops of ice cream. Prizes were also given for best family costume, best “Emmaus” costume and best 1980s costume.