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Northwestern Elementary bids farewell to Maria Pulli


Special to The Press

There’s an old saying, “All good things must come to an end.” And, so it is for Northwestern Lehigh Elementary School principle, Maria Pulli.

After 10 years at the helm, Pulli is moving on.

“It was a combination of personal and professional,” she said. “I have goals I wanted to reach in my professional career, and so I think it’s time.”

Her last day will be Oct. 20. Next is a vacation in Mexico.

“It was planned months ago,” she said. “lt worked out so well that I get to do the Fun Run and be with the staff, students and families.

“Everything just fell into place.”

Pulli reminisced about her time at the elementary school

“I will miss the Northwestern family but I won’t miss hunting for sub coverage,” she said, alluding to the short supply of substitute teachers in the district.

“I want to say thank you so much to the Northwestern family. They helped me grow over the years, challenging me in my career and bettering myself, not only as a principle but also as a mom.”

Pulli noted the high point of her career was literally dancing on the roof of the elementary school as a result of a fundraiser challenge and standing on top of a fire truck ladder.

“I shared so many accomplishments, from successful team fundraising to full-day kindergarten program,” Pulli said.

“We made it through the COVID struggles and we were able to get our students what they needed.”

Overall, she is proud of making Northwestern Elementary, “a fun and safe place to come to learn.”

“My words of advice to my replacement, ‘You will be the luckiest principle,’” she said. “Appreciate the values of this community because it’s a great community to work with.

“My words for the people I leave behind, thank you for everything doesn’t seem to be enough but these are only words I can say.”

Pulli admits she is choked up about leaving.

“I will miss you all so very much,” she said.

Missy Pallop commented on working with Pulli.

“I worked closely with Mrs. Pulli while I was on the PIE Board,” Pallop said. “I always felt supported, and she was always willing to do whatever it took to help.

“She volunteered to be duct taped to a wall, and would dress up in whatever costume was needed.

“We even took pies to the face together. I was happy to have such a fun, supportive principal to work with alongside.

“I’m grateful Mrs. Pulli made my ‘job’ easier and a whole lot more fun.”

Erica Seither also praised Pulli.

“Mrs. Pulli and her willingness to actively participate in pretty much anything, has made NWE a super fun place,” Seither said. ”Over the past 10 years, students have enjoyed numerous shenanigans at varying levels of silly and outrageous.

“Pretty much the only thing she hasn’t done is handle snakes.

“NWE students are lucky to have such a fun principal who is always willing to go above and beyond to make their elementary years memorable.

“We’re really going to miss her but we’re happy other kids will get to experience all of her awesomeness, too.”

Several students spoke about Pulli’s departure.

“I was very sad when I found out Mrs. Pulli was leaving,” Wes said.

“We’re gonna miss her so much but it’s OK because I know she’s going to do great at her new school.

“Those kids are really lucky to get her as their new principal.”

Jaxson appreciated Mrs. Pullo’s antics.

“I’m thankful she’s our principal,” Jaxson said.

“We hope she liked being our principal because we really like having her here.

“We’ll really miss her a lot. She’s so fun and does silly stuff with us.

“She dressed like Spider-Man once and rode a scooter around school.”

Destiny said she will miss the principal who made her happy.

“I love Mrs. Pulli so much,” Destiny said. “I will miss her.

“She makes me so happy and we do lots of fun stuff.”

Violet wishes Mrs. Pulli well at her new school.

“Mrs. Pulli is the best principal ever, and I knew two others at other schools before moving here,” Violet said. “She is the best one I’ve ever had.

“NWE does so much fun stuff. I’m so glad we moved here and I met her and everyone else here.

“I hope she has a great time at her new school.”

Harper hopes Mrs. Pulli doesn’t forget Northwestern Elementary and the fun they had.

“I’m so sad she’s leaving,” Harper said. “I hope she has fun at her new school.

“I loved having her as my principal for six years, and so did my sister.

“I hope she makes lots of new memories at her new school. I hope she always remembers NWE, though.

“I will always remember her until after college. I’ll miss her so much.

“I hope she knows she can come back to visit anytime.

“She has to remember to be careful if she dances on the roof in a poop costume at her new school.”

“I hope Mrs. Pulli makes lots of new memories at her new school.

“Of course, not as memorable as the memories we all share here at NWE! She’s a great principal.

Alexis said Mrs. Pulli always made things fun.

“I’m happy I got to put my thumbprint on the Terrific Tiger wall with her,” Alexis said. “We had so much fun playing Pie Face.

“I hope she gets a chance to come back and visit sometime because we will all miss her dearly.”

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY ERICA SEITHER Officer Dunsta, wearing a unicorn headband, supervises while Maria Pulli, wearing her poop emoji costume, is on the roof. This was the kids' reward for meeting one of the school's Boosterthon fundraising goals.
Maria Pulli received a pie in the face for meeting a Boosterthon fundraising goal during the 2017-18 school year.
Jake Bennett rubs a raw egg on Maria Pulli's head. Pulli and Officer Dunstan played egg roulette in front of students.This was the reward for reaching a fundraising goal. Pulli won.
Maria Pulli as a 2022 NWE Elf on the Shelf, She surprised students by posing all around school throughout the day. PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY ERICA SEITHER