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State Board of Education group seeks student members

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has announced Students for Education in Pennsylvania, a group created by student representatives of the state Board of Education, is seeking dedicated, passionate high school students to help elevate student voices across the commonwealth.

“It is so important that, as we consider policies that affect over one million students in Pennsylvania, we listen to students themselves,” Secretary of Education Dr. Khalid N. Mumin said. “To ensure a high-quality education for every student, we need the collaboration and feedback of those who are actually in the classroom learning.”

As a complement to PDE’s mission, SEPA aims to establish an ongoing relationship with dedicated students throughout the commonwealth to more effectively represent student voices in Pennsylvania’s educational policymaking.

Student representatives to the Pa. Board of Education, senior student member Claire Chi and junior student member Aarushi Dedhiya asked stakeholders across the commonwealth to nominate two to three dedicated, passionate high school students to contribute their unique voice to the Pennsylvania Student Representative Program.

This initiative complements the Shapiro Administration’s commitment to elevating youth voices in the commonwealth.

Earlier this year, Gov. Josh Shapiro signed an executive order creating the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Next Generation Engagement, to gather information on experiences and needs; review, evaluate, and assess programs affecting them; provide the governor with information and recommendations regarding how best to meet their needs; and serve as a liaison from the governor’s office to the community, providing information about programs and services that may be relevant to the needs of Pennsylvanians ages 16-26 years old.

“It is so crucial to have young voices heard and uplifted throughout the Commonwealth, and the Department of Education’s dedication to those efforts is inspiring,” Executive Director of Gov. Shapiro’s Advisory Commission for Next Generation Engagement Ruby Mundok said. “Students for Education in Pennsylvania will ensure that student’s thoughts and concerns are taken into consideration when it comes to making decisions about their education. The Commission on Next Generation Engagement looks forward to supporting SEPA in their efforts to give Pennsylvania’s youth a seat at the table.”

Each year in the spring, one rising high school junior is selected to serve a two-year term as a student representative to the state board.

The primary responsibility of the student representative position is to provide student perspectives at board meetings.

For more information, visit the Department of Education website or follow PDE on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Pinterest.