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Garden club celebrates Marjorie Stevens’ 95th


Special to The Press

This year, Parkland Community Library is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Marjorie Stevens, director of the library until 2005, started the library in August 1973 in Guthsville.

She then became the volunteer coordinator until 2014, when she retired.

Marjorie, a lifetime member of the Friends of Parkland Community Library, is also a member of the Parkland Garden Club.

Marjorie turned 95 in September and garden club members celebrated this milestone with her at their Sept. 11 meeting.

Marjorie had no idea the club was planning to celebrate her birthday.

President Claire Kukielka bought a cake and garden club members sang “Happy Birthday” to her.

On Sept. 16, her actual birthday, Kukielka visited her at her home and brought her flowers on behalf of the garden club.

Marjorie hasn’t been able to come to many of the monthly meetings as she used to, but she still maintains her interest and membership in the club.

She follows the club’s activities by reading the Parkland Press.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY PGC Parkland Garden Club members Carol Nagle, Debbie Barr, President Claire Kukielka, Chloe Urland, Nancy Smith, Lisa Mikitka, Judy Grimm, Christina Galina and Barbara Campbell sing “Happy Birthday” to Marjorie Stevens at the club's Sept. 11 meeting.
PRESS PHOTO COURTESY PGC Marjorie Stevens holds a plant from the plant exchange at Parkland Garden Club picnic in July. The club recently celebrated her 95th birthday.