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EHS Class of 1953 reunites

The Emmaus High School Class of 1953, the first senior class to graduate from the East Penn Union School District, held its 70th year reunion Oct. 6 at the Emmaus Mercantile Club with 25 classmates in attendance. Upon arrival, the 34 classmates, spouses and friends were greeted by historian Shirley Wieder and given a prepared name tag with their preselected meal choice – seafood, prime rib or chicken and three sheets to test their memories of the 1950s, the doo-wop music era, general trivia and a word search activity related to the years in high school.

Two of the class officers, President Carl Wieder and Vice President Neil Moyer, along with Toni (Brosky) Marina, Nancy (Urffer) Wieder, Shirley Wieder, Paul Wendling and Diane (Yaeck) Wellington comprised this year’s planning committee.

Wellington and Wendling assembled green and gold packets of candy and chewing gum from the 50s along with waxed red lips or black mustaches.

Lehigh Valley Press photographer C. Richard Chartrand took photos of the classmates, one printed here, the other with the classmates wearing their red lips or mustaches.

Two bingo games were played – the first winner received a special assortment of 50s candies and the second winner received the grand prize of $70, donated by Wellington.

Marina invited classmates to share memories of their years at Emmaus High School.

Marva Kay (Knoll) Craig traveled the greatest distance to attend the reunion, coming from her home in Florida. Although a health setback caused a departure to the hospital before the reunion began, Wendling shared a plaque prepared for Carl Wieder for faithful and dedicated service as president of the EHS Class of 1953 for 70+ years.

Everyone enjoyed the reunion, the delicious food and the fun and fellowship of what will be the last formal reunion of the Class of 1953.

Beginning Jan. 5, 2024 interested classmates, spouses, and friends will meet at a local restaurant and the first Friday of each month thereafter.

PRESS PHOTO BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND The Emmaus High School Class of 1953 holds its 70th reunion Oct. 6 at the Mercantile Club.