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Healthy Geezer: Want to lose weight? Eat less, exercise

Q. What is the best diet for losing weight?

The subtext of this question is: “What’s an easy fix?”

There are no shortcuts that work consistently and healthfully. The answer is simple: The best diet for losing weight gives you fewer calories than you burn. Facing an energy shortage, your body will reach into fat for stored calories and you will drop pounds.

Federal guidelines say that men and active women need about 2,500 calories daily. Other women and inactive men need only about 2,000 calories daily. It is recommended that you consume 300 to 500 fewer calories to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Exercise is important to weight loss, because it burns calories. You should exercise vigorously for 30 minutes most days. Walking quickly works. You can do your half-hour all at once, or break it up into shorter sessions.

Any senior will tell you that it’s more difficult to lose weight as you get older. One reason is that metabolism, the process that converts food into energy, is slowed by aging. Another reason is that muscle burns up more calories than fat does. As you get older, muscle decreases and fat constitutes more of your weight.

Seniors get a double whammy that leads to weight gain. And older women get a triple whammy because of their gender. Women usually have less muscle than men and tend to be smaller than men. A smaller body requires fewer calories.

If you are considering a diet-exercise program, you should consult your doctor first. Before you begin, it would be helpful to find out how much fat you have to lose. What’s important is not weight, but the amount of fat you are carrying. The body mass index (BMI) is a measure of fat that is based upon height and weight.

If you want to calculate your BMI, divide your weight in pounds by height in inches squared and then multiply by a conversion factor of 703. Here’s an example:

Weight = 175 lbs, Height = 6’1” (73”)

Calculation: [175 ÷ (73)2] x 703 = 23.1

A BMI between 19 and 25 is normal. Overweight is 25 to 29.9. Obese is 30 or higher.

If you don’t like math, you can use a simple BMI calculator at:


Here are a dozen tips for losing weight that I collected from a variety of reputable sources.

1. Keep track of the food you eat; this prevents overeating.

2. Don’t cut back too much because your body will begin conserving energy and make it difficult to reduce.

3. Begin exercises to develop muscle so your body will burn more calories.

4. Avoid fads. Eat a balanced diet or you may deny yourself important nutrients.

5. Losing weight is difficult, so don’t be tempted by reduction plans that make it sound easy.

6. You know what’s fattening without checking a book. If it tastes heavenly, avoid it as much as possible.

7. Drink water. It has no calories and will help you with your hunger.

8. Eat because you’re hungry, not because you’re bored. Take a walk instead.

9. Eat slowly and savor your food so you don’t feel deprived later.

10. Don’t skip meals or you will become ravenous and then overeat.

11. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with non-filling calories. They also dissolve your inhibitions and make you eat more. Be careful.

12. Seconds? Ain’t gonna happen.

Have a question? Email: fred@healthygeezer.com. Order “How To Be A Healthy Geezer,” 218-page compilation of columns: healthygeezer.com

All Rights Reserved &Copy; 2023 Fred Cicetti

The Times News, Inc. and affiliates (Lehigh Valley Press) do not endorse or recommend any medical products, processes, or services or provide medical advice. The views of the columnist and column do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Lehigh Valley Press. The article content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, or other qualified health-care provider, with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.