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GLVWG to host an online story pitch workshop Oct. 14


Pitch workshop offered Oct. 14

Greater Lehigh Valley Writers’ Group will hold “Story Shrink,” a one-day workshop for authors ready to develop three critical elements for marketing a book - synopsis, pitch and logline - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 14 online via Zoom.

Kathryn Craft, developmental editor with WritingPartner.com, will lead the workshop.

The morning session consists of a half-day intensive where attendees will learn how to write a synopsis, shrink it down to a pitch and shrink the pitch down to a one-sentence logline. Attendees will have the opportunity to offer feedback on each other’s work.

The afternoon will be 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with Craft. Each session is intended to help attendees apply the lessons from the morning to their individual project.

Registration is limited to only eight slots for the afternoon session.

There is a cost for each session. Attendees will receive the Zoom link upon registration.

One-on-one participants are asked to submit their synopsis and elevator pitch by Oct. 8. As an added benefit, those who register for the afternoon workshop will be given the first choice of agent appointments at the 2024 Write Stuff Conference, scheduled for April 11-13, 2024.

For more information or to register, visit glvwg.org.