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Fire company discussion Oct. 16 in Upper Milford

How to best help the township’s fire companies was the focus of Upper Milford Township’s Supervisors meeting Sept 21.

Supervisor John Zgura explained he had been in contact with state Sen. Jarrett Coleman, R-16th, about the realities both fire companies are facing.

According to Zgura, Coleman would like to have a meeting with representatives of both fire stations, an idea Zgura openly encouraged. He also threw out some ideas for discussion, ranging from a fire tax to merging both companies into one, with two separate stations.

Vera Cruz Citizen’s Fire Company Fire Chief Joe Sherman suggested supervisors investigate the situation with a fire tax in Lower Milford Township. He claims it resulted in the fire company receiving less funds because residents were less willing to donate due to the tax. He is also not a fan of one chief for two stations.

Resident Jim Krippe asked about fire hydrants saying he doesn’t feel there are enough throughout the township and would like the supervisors to take this opportunity to investigate the options. He would like to see a five-year plan proposed.

As ideas were debated, it was agreed another special meeting should be held to further discuss the situation both fire companies are facing. That meeting will take place 7 p.m. Oct 16.