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Area’s first responders are focus of annual heroes night

Every fall since the 2001 9/11 attack on America, Emmaus Public Library sets aside an evening in the library’s parking lot to recognize area police, fire and medical first responders for their service to the community.

Area families enjoy the opportunity to meet police, fire and medical personnel up close, and pick up some take-away souvenirs. But, most of all, the youngsters want to try on firefighter’s gear, sit in emergency vehicles and sound the sirens and turn on the blinking emergency lights.

Judging by their grins and smiles, the first responders enjoy the encounters with families as much as parents and their children do.

One firefighter said, “We look forward to this every year. It’s a great way to meet parents and kids in a calm, non-emergency setting, instead of responding when someone is experiencing difficulties.”

Press Photo by Jim Marsh Everett Pascoe, of Emmaus, gets to sit in the driver's seat of an Emmaus Police Department cruiser with the help of EPD Sgt. Jeremy Schilling. Additional photos appear on Page A12.
PRESS PHOTOS BY JIM MARSH Emmaus Fire Department crew member Dave Ernst provides a wristband to Emmaus High School student Shiann Reiss at the Emmaus Library's Heroes Night event Oct. 5.
Kyle Reiss, a firefighter with the Vera Cruz Station of the Upper Milford Fire Department, fits a firefighter helmet on the head of Alejandro Rosas, of Emmaus.
Emmaus Police Department patrolman Timothy Kline chats with Emmaus Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert at the Emmaus Heroes Night Oct. 5.
Emmaus Ambulance Corps EMT Sara Pierce gives simulated medical attention to Emmaus youngsters Jonah and Quincy Ruhf at Heroes Night at the Emmaus Public Library, 11 E. Main St.
Ashley Dries, who is part of the rescue team at the Old Zionsville Station of the Upper Milford Fire Department, fits Upper Milford youngster Riley Bartera into a firefighter's personal protective gear during Heroes Night Oct. 5 at Emmaus Public Library.