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An afternoon of fun in Salisbury Township

RIGHT: For an afternoon of fun, Wendy and Noreen Kucsan attend bingo at Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury, 1707 Church Road, Allentown, Oct. 8.
BELOW: Veata and Tevy Williams are happy to be at the bingo game at Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church. PRESS PHOTOS BY REBECCA FOEHRKOLB
Kandi Perazzo, Rose Ann Scheuermann and Herbert Hottenstein take a moment to socialize before the next bingo game starts.
Betty White, Cheyenne Thomas, Lori Roba, Debbie Harper, Linda Ortwein, Pat Bubbenmoyer, Scott Evans and Autumn Evans enjoy fellowship, food and bingo Oct. 8 at Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury.