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Allen approves Stone Ridge project

The Allen Township Board of Supervisors met Sept. 26 to discuss and approve the Stone Ridge major subdivision and lot consolidation plan.

Joseph Zator, the project’s legal representative, addressed comments from Barry Isett, Atlas Road concerns and potential approval of the subdivision and lot consolidation.

Zator noted the changes could be determined by the board about a year after the new Wawa has been open to see how it affects traffic. Both parties agreed to take new traffic counts nine months following the opening of Wawa to track any changes.

A few board members were concerned about the convenience store traffic exiting onto Savage Road and eventually adding congestion to Route 329. One idea was to restrict the Savage Road access to an entrance-only, but Solicitor Lincoln Treadwell said that would not hold up in court.

The board also discussed sidewalks along Savage Road. The board disregarded a suggestion to waive the sidewalk requirement for the safety of pedestrians walking between Wawa and Howertown Park.

The supervisors agreed to extend the township’s current sidewalk from John Drive to the west side of Savage Road. This way, the sidewalks are owned and maintained by the township, taking the burden off residents.

Eventually, the supervisors, excluding Chairman Dale Hassler, voted to approve the subdivision and lot consolidation.

There was no discussion regarding the residential development or the proposed Wawa. The Wawa development plan will be discussed at the supervisors’ next meeting.

In other business, the supervisors set trick-or-treat night for 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31, with a rain date of Nov. 1.

Supervisors will next meet 6 p.m. Oct. 24 at the fire department building, 3530 Howertown Road.